Injustice: gods among us → новости

В чем состоит игровой процесс Injustice: Gods Among Us?

Файтинг во многом повторяет классический геймплей всех подобных игр. Однако у него есть и собственные особенности, о которых нужно упомянуть:

  • Во-первых, во время боя вам доступны три персонажа на ваш выбор. Вы сможете переключаться между персонажами прямо во время сражения, если видите, что прошлый герой не справляется с противником;
  • Во-вторых, геймер может придумать собственную тактику сражения, выбирая трех персонажей, которые бы дополняли друг друга. Например, один персонаж нацелен на силу, другой на ловкость, а третий выполняет какую-то магическую функцию;
  • В-третьих, следите за темпом боя. Он может быть не высоким, а может значительно повыситься;
    Каждый герой, которого вы выберите, имеет по три суперспособности и серию простых и сложных ударов. Ими нужно распоряжаться с умом, ибо перезарядка занимает время;
  • После каждого сражения герои будут становиться сильнее, улучшайте их атаки при помощи этой силы;
  • Благодаря системе очков, геймер может улучшать и суперспособности персонажей. Но учтите, очков дается не слишком много, расходовать их надо грамотно.


Бэтмен побеждал Супермена в комиксе “Возвращения Темного Рыцаря”

Бэтмен и Супермен – два абсолютно разных супергероя: один обладает невероятными инопланетными способностями, оружие другого – высокотехнологичные гаджеты, тренировки и ум. Но эти различия не мешали им сражаться множество раз, будь то дружеский поединок или реальное противостояние.

Одно из наиболее известных противостояний между героями произошло в комиксе “Возвращение Темного Рыцаря” от Фрэнка Миллера. Тут Бэтмен представлен старым борцом за свободу, тогда как Супермен стал работать на правительство США.

После уничтожения Советской атомной бомбы Супермен соглашается встретится с Бэтменом на Преступной Аллее. Бэтмен стар, но его преимущество в слабости Супермена после взрыва бомбы. Равный поединок длится до тех пор, пока на помощь Бэтмену не приходит Зелёная Стрела и криптонитовая стрела. Супермен повержен, но целью Бэтмена не было убить его, а просто убрать его с дороги.


Injustice: Gods Among Us was first announced on May 31, 2012. According to Ed Boon, the main goal heading into Injustice was to create a game outside of the Mortal Kombat series that was dramatically different within the fighting game genre. Producer Hector Sanchez stated that NetherRealm Studios did not feel constrained by the parameters of Mortal Kombat, allowing the developers to take more design risks with Injustice, such as removing Mortal Kombat‘s traditional dedicated block button. Similar to Boon’s previous DC-related title, Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe, the use of the DC Comics license implied restrictions to the amount of violence in the game; however, Boon intended to push the «Teen» rating by replacing violence with «crazy, over-the-top action.» When questioned if the studio’s past experience with Mortal Kombat and its characteristic violence would influence Injustice, Boon replied that he wanted to keep the two titles as separate entities.

The online mode in Injustice was built upon the foundation laid from Mortal Kombat. Due to complaints about severe lag in the online multiplayer portion of Mortal Kombat, Boon reported that the development team had looked back upon their past mistakes and created a «new, more elaborate system» for an improved online experience. Senior Producer Adam Urbano stated NetherRealm Studios spent two years of development focusing on netplay. During development, NetherRealm shared their idea for an automated system to push Injustice downloadable content to all users’ consoles. The game would connect to the Internet during use and automatically download the information required for players who have bought DLC characters to play against others who have not. The system also allows NetherRealm to quickly send hotfixes to patch noticeable glitches.

Like Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and Mortal Kombat, Injustice runs on the Unreal Engine 3, which was modified to suit fighting games. In the first Injustice development diary, NetherRealm Studios proclaimed that several technical advancements had been made since the release of Mortal Kombat in 2011. Sanchez stated that their «KoreTech team» had pushed the boundaries on their graphics engine. Urbano added that the game features a revamped lighting solution, enabling more dynamic lighting in terms of characters and environments. A new «character material» system was created to portray characters with increased graphical detail. Injustice also utilizes a multi-threaded rendering engine, allowing the game to display approximately three times the amount of objects on screen at a single time than Mortal Kombat.


Мстители побеждают Лигу справедливости

Marvel и DC Comics несколько раз сотрудничали между собой и делали кроссоверы между своими вселенными. В одном из таких кроссоверов Мстители победили Человека из стали. Это произошло в “JLA / Avengers”, когда Крона и Грандмастер устроили между собой игру, которая затронула всю Мультивселенную. В качестве своих игроков Крона выбрал Мстителей, а Грандмастер противопоставил ему Лигу Справедливости, обе команды должны были найти и собрать шесть предметов силы с разных вселенных.

В кульминационной битве между командами, Супермен был ослабен битвой с Тором. Желая отомстить за друга самые сильные члены команды напали на Супермена. Женщина-халк, Геркулес и Чудо-человек объединили свои силы для атаки, а Вижн и Железный Человек совершили добивание энергетическими лучами. Да, им понадобились усилия всей команды; да, он только что победил бога, главное, Мстители его одолели.

Положительные качества игры

  1. Потрясающая, детализированная графика;
  2. Большое количество разнообразных героев и злодеев вселенной DC;
  3. Стильное музыкальное сопровождение;
  4. Комфортное управление.

СкриншотыВидеоКак установить

Установка Injustice: Gods Among Us с модом на много денег


  1. Уберите автоматическую авторизацию в Google Play Игры. Сотрите официальное приложение Injustice: Gods Among Us из памяти телефона.
  2. Перед установкой дистрибутива в APK, активируйте функцию «установка с неизвестных источников» в настройках смартфона.
  3. Загрузите установочный файл *.APK, и установите его.
  4. В некоторых случаях нужно распаковать кэш (если он не вшит). Сделайте это через файловый менеджер.

В какое место устанавливать кэш

Все зависит от типа расширения устанавливаемого файла:

  • если *.OBB – ставим в: /sdcard/Android/obb/;
  • иное расширение – ставим в: /sdcard/Android/data/.

Что делать, если взлом не помог?

Попробуйте сделать следующее:

  • получите root-права в настройках смартфона;
  • отключите сверку лицензии с помощью приложения Lucky Patcher;
  • оставьте комментарий или попросите обновления мода.

Если вы не нашли рабочий мод на нашем сайте, то можете не искать его где-либо еще.

Я хочу полную русификацию

Мы стараемся выкладывать самые свежие версии игр и приложений с русификацией. Если вы узнали, что появилась редакция с переводом на русский язык, обязательно сообщите нам. Оперативно найдем и обновим контент.

Моды без вирусов?

Мы тщательно проверяем каждый *.APK файл на вирусы перед его выкладкой на сайт. Но не несем ответственности за использование того или иного приложения.

Получил бан в игре, что теперь делать?

Два совета:

  • не скачивайте те версии игр, где есть обязательный выход в сеть;
  • принудительно отключите выход в интернет, играйте только в офлайн режиме.

Название: injustice-gods-among-us-3.3.1-vzlom.apk

Скачать Взлом Injustice: Gods Among Us + мод на много денег (35 МБ)Скачать КЭШ Injustice: Gods Among Us (2.46 ГБ)

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DLC персонажи для Injustice: Gods Among Us

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Prior to the game’s release, Warner Bros. Interactive and DC Entertainment launched a 10-week-long online marketing campaign called the Injustice Battle Arena. The web series, hosted by Taryn Southern, featured weekly match-ups between the playable cast in a tournament-style format. Each week, the arena was updated with different versus scenarios. Fans could vote for their favorite characters, and a video, depicting the winner of each round, would be released following each voting period. Videos detailing the skills and strengths of the combatants, including vox pop and celebrity interviews, were released alongside each new pair of challengers. Voters could redeem free rewards, ranging from Xbox Live avatar accessories to a downloadable character skin based on Green Arrow’s appearance in the television series Arrow. Participating fans based in the United States were also eligible to win weekly prizes.

A demo version of the game was released as a download for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 on April 2, 2013, in North America, and April 3, 2013, in Europe. The demo showcased Batman, Wonder Woman, and Lex Luthor, in the Gotham City stage, with Doomsday as an unplayable boss.


Injustice: Gods Among Us is a fighting game in which players control characters with different fighting styles and special attacks, engaging in one-on-one combat to deplete their opponent’s life gauge. The game is in 2.5D: movement is restricted to a two-dimensional plane, while the characters and backgrounds are rendered in three-dimensions. Unlike the traditional fighting game design involving multiple rounds with regenerative life bars, Injustice uses a scheme similar to the Killer Instinct series. Each match consists of a single round with each player bearing two life bars. The game utilizes a four-button control layout of light, medium, and heavy attacks, alongside a «character trait» button, which activates a unique ability or attack designed to showcase each character. For instance, Superman’s character trait provides a temporary boost in strength, while Batman’s character trait summons a swarm of robotic bats.

The stages, based on various locations from the DC Universe, such as the Batcave, Metropolis, and the Fortress of Solitude, feature interactive environments and multiple areas. If an opponent is hit with a heavy attack near a corner of the arena, it launches them, triggering a transition animation and taking the fight to a new section of the stage. Each section also contains objects that characters can interact with differently depending on their class. Characters fall into two classes: «power characters», who rely on brute strength and innate abilities, and «gadget characters», who use weapons, items, and other external mechanisms to win. For example, a gadget character like Batman can attach a bomb to a car to cause an explosion, while a power character like Superman will pick up the same car and smash his opponents with it. Players have the option to turn off interactive elements and stage transitions.

As characters perform special moves, block oncoming attacks, or get hit by the opponent, their «super meters» will gradually fill. Portions of the super meter can be used to execute enhanced special moves or counter enemy moves. With a full meter, players can unleash their strongest special attack. Players may also expend their meter to interrupt a combo and enter a wager battle, dubbed the «clash system», which combines individualized cutscene cinematics with the process of betting meter. A clash may be triggered by a player only after they have lost their first life bar. During the sequence, both players commit portions of their meter in secret, with the highest bidder winning the clash.

The story mode is split into several chapters. As the narrative plays out, the player swaps between different characters. Minigames are also incorporated into the story. The outcome of minigames can impact an upcoming battle, such as giving the player a health advantage over the CPU opponent. Additional game features include Battle Mode, Versus Mode, Training Mode, and S.T.A.R. Labs, which includes 240 character-specific challenges of varying difficulty. Online multiplayer modes include King of the Hill, a setup that allows up to eight players to spectate a match while waiting for their turn to fight, and Survivor, which carries over the current winner’s health bar and character selection over each match. Playing through any of the game modes, including online matches with optional goal objectives, will net the player experience points that may be used to unlock alternate costumes, music, concept art, and other rewards.


The roster was selected internally by NetherRealm Studios with input from DC Comics. The main goal during the selection process, which took around three to four months, was to create a cast featuring a wide variety of characters. Characters were chosen based on criteria such as size, ability, gender, popularity, and how well they fit within the Injustice storyline. The addition of each playable hero and villain required about six weeks of development. The characters were designed with the intent to make each fighter unique, and fighting styles and movesets were tailored to the lore and personality of each character. Ed Boon stated that DC Comics had given NetherRealm a large amount of freedom with their properties, allowing them to put their own spin on characters. Several other characters from the DC Universe, such as Darkseid, Scarecrow, Metallo and Gorilla Grodd, also appear as non-player characters, making cameo appearances in story cutscenes, stages and other game modes. Outside of the DC universe, Scorpion from NetherRealm’s Mortal Kombat series appears as a downloadable guest character.

The playable characters are:

  • Aquaman
  • Ares
  • Bane
  • Batgirl
  • Batman
  • Black Adam
  • Catwoman
  • Cyborg
  • Deathstroke
  • Doomsday
  • Flash (Barry Allen)
  • Green Arrow
  • Green Lantern (Hal Jordan)
  • Harley Quinn
  • Hawkgirl (Shiera Hall)
  • Joker
  • Killer Frost (Louise Lincoln)
  • Lex Luthor
  • Lobo
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Nightwing (Dick Grayson)
  • Raven
  • Shazam
  • Scorpion
  • Sinestro
  • Solomon Grundy
  • Superman
  • Wonder Woman
  • Zatanna
  • Zod

Additionally, several characters are playable as alternate skins for existing characters. They include:

  • Batman (Terry McGinnis)
  • Batman (Thomas Wayne)
  • Cyborg Superman
  • Flash (Jay Garrick)
  • Green Lantern (John Stewart)
  • Hawkgirl (Kendra Saunders)
  • Nightwing (Damian Wayne)

The iOS and Android version of the game features several exclusive characters:

  • Arkham Knight
  • Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
  • Darkseid
  • Deadshot
  • Flash (Wally West)
  • Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
  • Killer Croc
  • Reverse-Flash
  • Static

^a : Available as downloadable content; included in the Ultimate Edition.
Eleven of the DC characters had previously appeared in Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe.

( Пока оценок нет )
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