Clash royale: колоды и тактики

Goblin Barrel Deck

This deck has a 3.4 average elixir cost. In this Arena 13 deck, your win condition is Goblin Barrel. On the other hand, Valkyrie and Princess are your investment cards. You can use Goblin Gang, Inferno Tower and Princess for anti-air purposes. When your opponent uses a high-cost card, you can instantly respond with Goblin Gang, Goblin Barrel and Princess to punish the opponent.

This is a log bait deck built with Valkyrie. The main goal is to make the opponent misuse their spell cards. Once you achieve this, you can charge with the Goblin Barrel. The more damage you do to the tower with it, the better. You must remember that you have the Rocket in hand. After a certain point, you can focus entirely on defense and target the tower with your Rocket.

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Лучшая колода для игроков средней арены без легендарных карт.

Колода инженера — Химик, вампир, инженер, ледяной маг, хранитель.

Советы для игры этой колодой:

  1. Попробуйте иметь на карте только одного хранителя, так как он не наносит большого урона и его единственное назначение — соединять инженеров.
  2. Не повышайте уровень в игре Хранителю, поскольку повышение сильно не увеличивает его урон.
  3. Когда дело дойдет до уровня в игре, то мы советуем отдать приоритет химику и инженеру, чтобы увеличить урон и снижение брони противника
  4. Без паники! Если вы видите, что враг вас перегружает, то объедините отряды Хранителя и Вампиров, поскольку они не наносят большого урона.

Miner and Lava Hound Deck

This deck has a 4.1 average elixir cost. In this Arena 13 deck, your win conditions are Miner and Lava Hound. On the other hand, Balloon, Inferno Dragon and Lava Hound are your investment cards. You can use Skeleton Dragons and Inferno Dragon for anti-air purposes. When your opponent uses a high-cost card, you can instantly respond with Balloon and Miner to punish the opponent.

Balloon decks are always popular. When using these decks, a troop is required to act as a tank. There are countless units in this deck that can do just that. Lava Hound and Miner are the most important. Barbarians are the alternative. In general, I think the combination of Miner and Balloon is healthier. Thus, you will not have any problems in terms of elixir.

Golem Best Deck for Clash Royale Arena 13

Early game you can start out the match with Elixir Golem at the back. You can also play Magic Archer in the back. Normally I say to learn what your opponent is playing but you can see just how powerful this deck because there isn’t a single combo in the meta that can stop this deck Continue Reading »

Giant Battle Healer Best Clash Royale Deck Arena 13

Early game aim to pump up and gain an elixir advantage. Work out what deck your opponent is playing and try to bait out their key counters to your musketeers. Don’t play too aggressively in single elixir your should only really apply pressure through a counter push or via a battle ram opposite lane if they play a large tank behind their towers Continue Reading »

Baby Dragon Elixir Golem Best Clash Royale Deck Arena 13

NEVER, EVER use Elixir Golem as a starting hand as you might get punished easily. As I said above, the best time to go with Elixir Golem at the back is when you just defended their win condition with positive Elixir trade. Use Baby Dragon and Mega Minion to defend against most pushes

Once you hit double Elixir drop the big bad Elixir Golem in the back and build up your pushes. when the Elixir Golem crosses the river Continue Raeding »

Night Witch Elixir Golem Best Clash Royale Deck Arena 13

In early-stage, all you need to do is find out what deck your opponent is using and what his counters to your cards are and mostly play defensive and only counter push. (Or you can place your Elixir golem at the back if you know the opponent can’t punish you for doing that).

In the Last Stage, You can start creating pushes now, but only if you have a good Elixir advantage. Now you can start to sacrifice some Tower health to create huge pushes Continue Reading »

Pekka Elixir Golem Clash Royale Meta Decks

During single elixir tries defending more than attacking and your cards are very able to defend. Best starting would be to drop Minions on the bridge and if you don’t have the Minions you probably just want to put the Dark Prince on the bridge Continue Reading »

Hunter Golem Fisherman Clash Royale Meta Decks Arena 13

If your opponent starts with the Giant, Pekka or Any Other Tank Behind the king tower, I usually put My Golem down to soak damage on same lane Then, use Hunter + Mega Minion to quickly take out the Giant or any other tank. If the Golem is still alive I do counter push With Fisherman and Dark Prince

Since Dark Prince + Mega Minion Or Hunter is excellent at dealing with Giant, Royal Giant, Hog Rider, Sparky…

If your opponent uses Miner for Chip damage you can use Skeletons To deal with Miner Continue Reading »

Clash Royale Pekka Fisherman Clash Royale Meta Decks Arena 13

Pekka: One of the (if not the best) defensive cards in the game. Excellent tank killer and good tank for the rest of the cards in this deck. She works extremely well on the counter push, meaning you can kill a Hog with her, then push with Hunter or Skeleton Barrel ! She is also your main counter to your opponent tanks like Giant or Mega Knight. would not suggest using it as a win-condition because as well all know, Pekka is easily distracted and killed by swarm units Continue Reading »

Graveyard Elixir Golem Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

This Fisherman Graveyard Elixir Golem Deck can be very successful if pulled off correctly but is not very flexible, relying heavily on the Elixir Golem Graveyard combo.

It’s a deck that might take some time to get used to if heavy decks aren’t your style but can bring a lot of success once you master it. This has 2 win condition Elixir Golem and Graveyard Continue Reading »

Hog Executioner Elixir Golem Clash Royale Meta Decks 2022

Baby Dragon Golem Fisherman Clash Royale Deck Arena 13

The game plan is pretty straight forward with this deck but sometimes needs to be adjusted according to what deck your playing against. Defend and try to do a Golem push. NEVER, EVER use Golem as a starting hand as you might get punished easily. As I said above, the best time to go with Golem at the back is when you just defended their win condition with positive Elixir trade Continue Reading »

Почему Clash Royale так популярна

Секрет в том, что игра идеально вписывается в мобильный формат. Размер карты ограничен одним экраном, а на каждый матч отводится ровно три минуты. Часто исход решается гораздо раньше, а на случай затянувшегося противостояния предусмотрены меры по ускорению процесса.

Полный набор мобильного гейминга здесь также присутствует: различные режимы, две валюты, внутриигровой магазин, сундуки с наградами за победу, ежедневные задания, боевой пропуск и прогрессия по количеству трофеев, получаемых за победу.

Несмотря на неизбежное для мобильных платформ зло микротранзакций, игра совершенно не тянет из игрока деньги. Играть вполне можно совершенно бесплатно, без потери удовольствия.

Донат ускоряет прокачку и получение новых карт, но основа геймплея – стандартные бои. В них соперник подбирается сообразно вашему уровню, поэтому страдать от великих нагибаторов вы не будете.

Я тоже влетел в сетевые зарубы, разобрался с механикой, и колодами. Да, ключ к победе в игре – составление собственных колод бойцов. Но, обо всём по-порядку:

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;-) :| :x :twisted: :smile: :shock: :sad: :roll: :razz: :oops: :o :mrgreen: :lol: :idea: :grin: :evil: :cry: :cool: :arrow: :???: :?: :!: